Different Types Of Shuttering Formwork

The construction industry has faced enormous obstacles in lowering carbon emissions for several decades. There is a lot of pressure on construction businesses to adopt practices that are not harmful to the environment. Hence, construction companies have started switching from traditional wooden formwork to other types of shuttering systems.


Modular Formwork Systems: Real Heroes of Construction Projects


You can regard formwork systems as temporary structures that construction businesses use. These structures are made of different types of materials. They effectively hold and support freshly poured wet concrete until it becomes harder. 


A formwork system helps shape the structural components of concrete structures like buildings, dams, bridges, etc. Therefore, it is a crucial element in the construction process. A plastic shuttering is an indispensable component as it determines the overall strength, quality, and appearance of a concrete structure.


Nowadays, construction businesses prefer using alternatives to conventional wooden formworks. Formworks systems made of plastic or aluminum are eco-friendly, economical, reliable and reusable.


Moreover, a construction company can complete a project on time using plastic modular formwork systems. Thus, these businesses can save substantial money in the long run.


Various Types of Formwork Systems


The shuttering system ideal for a construction project depends on complexity, size, expected finish, and budget. Here are some different materials suitable for manufacturing formwork systems.




Timber shuttering is traditionally constructed from plywood and wood. This formwork system is adaptable and easy to shape. But at the same time, timber formworks are prone to extreme weather conditions and damage.




A renowned plastic shuttering India manufacturer can provide a premium-quality plastic modular formwork system. It is an environmentally friendly, inventive material that’s long-lasting, water-resistant and reusable. Although it provides a smooth concrete finish, large loads might not be appropriate for it. 




Formwork systems made of aluminum are highly resistant to corrosion and extremely lightweight. Handling and assembling aluminum formworks are super-easy. These systems are flexible, which is why they are perfect for different applications. But they are pretty expensive compared to plastic shuttering and other formwork systems.




When it comes to large-scale construction projects, most construction businesses rely on steel formwork systems. These formworks are reusable and exceptionally durable. In addition, they ensure the exact dimensions of concrete structures and are great at withstanding heavy loads.


Importance of Formwork Systems


The construction sector considers formwork systems an integral part of construction projects. Here are some compelling reasons why formworks matter so much to construction businesses.


  • Formwork systems help determine the precise shape and size of columns, beams, walls and slabs.


  • These systems contribute to the strength and longevity of concrete structures.


  • The surface finish of structures made using concrete depends on the quality of these formworks.


  • Reusable plastic shuttering India can help construction businesses reduce project expenses as well as construction time.


  • Durable and lightweight formwork systems are excellent in ensuring on-site workers’ safety and security.




The most informed decision you can make is to buy cost-effective, top-quality modular formwork systems from Nova Formworks. The reputable formwork system manufacturer delivers more than clients expect. So, you can reap many benefits if you opt for its economical, durable and sustainable formwork solutions.


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