Popularity Of Aluminium Formwork For Housing Projects In India

Formworks have never lost their importance in construction work regardless of the advancement in technology. Modern formwork varieties enhance construction speed, are more durable, and can be reused several times. Of all the latest formwork alternatives, aluminum formworks are becoming immensely popular with housing projects in India for the following reasons. 


Faster Construction

With aluminum formworks, finishing housing projects within deadlines has become easier than ever. The incorporation of aluminum forms in any construction project makes it faster. Low-density aluminum used for making the formworks weighs considerably less. 

Therefore, installing these forms or dismantling them takes significantly less time. As a result, the construction site work gets over within time. Plus, you can use unskilled laborers to install or manage these forms which also cut the cost of projects.


Environment-Friendly Construction

Aluminum formworks are eco-friendly alternatives. To begin with, aluminum is a biodegradable element and the forms made of this metal also do not add up to the global waste pile. Plus, you can use aluminum forms for up to 100 projects. 

With a little care, using them for 200+ projects is also possible.  Reusability always makes things eco-friendly. These formworks are also energy-efficient which enhances their eco-friendliness. No wonder modern construction sites in India prefer using aluminum formworks to other traditional alternatives which come with enormous carbon footprints. 


Precision and Flexibility

Aluminum formworks are generally manufactured in measured and controlled industrial environments. On-site production of aluminum formworks is not the norm. The modern construction site deploys prefabricated aluminum forms. 

Therefore, the construction houses can get the formwork fashioned according to their structural requirements or designs. 

As a result, structural precision and accuracy come hand in hand with aluminum forms. Modern construction projects that often try out novel and unorthodox designs find this flexibility quite useful for their out-of-the-box architectural shapes and structures. 


Low on Waster Creation

Construction sites are known for their huge amount of waste generation. Every housing project creates tonnes of waste which finally settles inside the landfill ditches. This concern makes construction sites a sore in the eyes of environment-friendly people. 

With aluminum forms, the need for on-site formwork manufacturing goes away. Earlier, on-site construction of formworks was used to create the maximum amount of waste. Therefore, modern construction projects that use aluminum forms do not create a significant amount of waste materials. 


Good Scrap Value

Inarguably, the aluminum form is lightweight, easy to handle, weather-proof, corrosion-resistant, and sturdy. But what makes these formworks even more useful remains their scrap value. 

This means that when the service life of an aluminum form is over, you can sell it at a fair price in the market to recover some of its investment money and buy new forms.  In simple words, even when the aluminum forms do not help in construction, they can be liquidated. 


NovaFormWorks is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-end aluminum shuttering. For any variety of modern construction works, these forms can be the best fit at any time. Check out Nova’s extensive formwork collection to order customized varieties for your use.


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