Concrete Beam Construction Process

 Concrete beams are suitable to act as horizontal ties between pile caps or footings. It requires continuous reinforcement to support the column effectively beyond its simple structure. It also gives adequate anchoring within the pile for the footings.

The beam formwork either starts from the soil or above it between the piles. A continuous beam will transfer the building’s load on the ground or to bearing points so that the concrete system can distribute the load of the building on the soil.

Details of Beam Construction Method

The beam formwork system construction includes the following:

·         Preparing and excavation of the beam

·         The installation of the beam formwork

·         Placing the reinforcement of the beam

·         Pouring the concrete into beam space

Prep Up the Beam

It starts by laying trenches on the beam from the level. When using the beam between the piles, the preparation and the excavation is the initial step in deciding on pile construction in the concrete beam formwork.

After this, there will be the excavation of trenches from the beam from the footings. Once the grade construction is complete on the ground surface, it will complete the form installation. It will mark the initial step for the construction of the beam.

Installation of Beam Formwork

After this, beam formwork placement will start depending on beam dimensions as per designs. The construction will start from the bottom of the beam. After this, place a cage on the flat brick before side shuttering or other installations.

Placing the shutters on both sides and from the bottom is suitable. However, fixing the formwork with reinforcement placement or fixing the bottom shutter and then reinforcement is preferable.

After placing the beam work, give the final design. It can help for adequate strength, waterproofness, the strength of the concrete beam formwork, fixing of side shutters, and location of the beam. 

Placement of Beam

After shuttering or placing the soling bricks on the base beam, reinforcement starts directly or side by side after placing the formwork. Here, longitudinal details such as length, number, and correct spacing are essential for the structural drawing. Therefore, it is important to check each detail before the placement finishes.  

Pour Concrete on the Beam Formwork

Pouring ready mix concrete marks, the final step of the beam formwork system. There may be the use of machine mix concrete if the concrete volume is large. It is necessary to check the concrete constituents to maintain their ratio. After pouring the concrete, make it compact with vibration equipment or other means, and finish it with a top beam.

The bottom shutter should be firmly in place until the concrete takes its shape and is on the right. The time for taking off the bottom shutter depends on the span of the beam.

Investing in Quality Formwork Systems

If you wish to get premium concrete beam formwork for beam construction, NOVA FORMWORKS is a leading name to rely on. Its range of products focuses on the latest technology. It offers quality formwork systems for builders and contractors. The quality items boost efficiency and cost-effectiveness and can lower the construction time. 


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