Important Formwork Tips for Column and Beam

 Formwork in concrete construction is nothing but a mold for a structure where fresh concrete is poured with the purpose of strengthing it consequently. The only essential ingredient used in concrete construction is formwork. Formworks are temporary or permanent moulds into which concrete is poured until the concrete becomes self-supporting. There are many types of formwork used in concrete construction. Let us talk about how we use formwork with column and beam.


Column Formwork is made to be able to accommodate relatively high and fresh concrete pressures as comparatively small cross-sections are concreted quickly. Therefore, the joints in particular are to be designed very carefully and tightly sealed.


Beam formwork is generally formed with either timber or metal panels. In this type of formwork, the process is to produce a box surrounded with frames at the perfect size of the beam and fasten it firmly from base or at the last phase of beam concreting. The box is detained in exact position with steel column clamps or bolted yokes and supported with timber studs or props.


        The formwork should be held up tightly both vertically and horizontally to maintain the shape.

        The joints in the formwork should be firm against seepage of cement grout.

        The formwork should be arranged correctly to the target line and levels with base surface.

        The material of the formwork should not be deformed when it comes in contact with the material.

        It should be supported with firm base.


Nova Formworks has a shuttering system which is modular in nature, is re-usable, and is eco-friendly. It gives more than 100 repetitions and is cost effective.


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