Structural Steel Formwork – The Best Choice for Construction

 There has been a growing popularity of structural steel formwork in the construction industry. The steel formwork is not just easy to fix, it is also available in uniform shape/ size. In all modern-day construction projects, steel column formwork is being used regardless of being expensive.

Steel formwork is used for a wide array of projects. The steel shuttering has a very even finish. It is apt for curved and circular structures like chimneys, tanks, sewers, tunnels, columns, and retaining walls.

Mentioned below are some key reasons why structural steel formwork is the best choice for construction:

1.   Durability- The biggest reason why people opt for steel formwork is that it is extremely durable. It does not get bent or spoilt easily. It is even earthquake resistance. Due to this key reason, it is hugely used at construction sites these days. Superior strength as well durability are making the steel formwork a preferred choice for all the latest and upcoming projects. It is fast replacing the traditional timber formworks.

2.   Fire-resistant- steel formwork is fire resistant. It is not affected by mold or termites. So, the chances of it getting spoilt or rot are just not possible. Materials such as timber easily catch fire, so you might have a real issue if you are using timber formwork.

3.   Fast Assembly- steel formwork can be assembled very fast. As a matter of fact, it takes 5 times more time to assemble timber formwork. Also when steel formwork is used there is less obstruction at sites. Work is less labor-intensive and so the time taken to put everything in order is not much. What’s more, is that steel-plated can be stacked one over the other. This makes them an ideal choice for high-rise buildings.


4.   Affordability- Steel formworks are affordable as you can use them multiple times sans any hassle. They are available in the size that you want. You can use it in various stages of construction such as for making tunnels, culverts, walls, bridges, curbs, and gutters. Steel formwork can be adjusted according to the need of the project.  And with Novaform steel shuttering you are sure to get everything at competitive rates.

So, these are some of the reasons why Steel Formwork is the ideal choice for construction. The lifecycle cost of steel is low as you can re-use it multiple times. Steel does not get spoilt by moisture so when you use it from one site and take it to the other, there is nothing that goes wrong with it.


NovaFormWork offers technically advanced as well as high-quality products for different construction needs of the clients. The solutions are tendered to keep in mind the requirements of the project in hand. The team at NovaFormWork is extremely professional and competent. With them, you can be sure of affordable solutions without any hassle. Get in touch with them for all your queries. You can also log on to the website and check out different products offered by them.


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