Formwork for Concrete Wall Manufacturers & Suppliers


A formwork acts as a permanent or temporary structure where the mixture of concrete is poured. This process is also known as shuttering or centering. It is an important element in the construction process that helps to get the desired shape. It is generally designed of timber, steel, or prefabricated forms. 

Formwork Specification

When you are choosing formwork, you need to consider the type of concrete, and the degree of temperature since these two factors influence the pressure.  The wet concrete that is poured into the formwork exerts hydrostatic pressure. Therefore the formwork should be able to handle the pressure. The base of the concrete wall formwork should be able to withstand the weight of the wet concrete.

The design of concrete wall formwork is quite complex, and it takes time. The price can range up to 25 percent of the overall price of the structure. Fortunately, you can reuse stripped concrete formwork, and it helps to reduce much time and effort. 

Timber Is the Most Used Formwork Material

Almost every construction firm makes use of timber for making the formwork. The timber is widely used because it is lightweight, easily accessible, well-seasoned, and affordable as well. The disadvantage of using timber is that it tends to warp quickly. However, you can avoid this through water-based treatments, which can help to minimise its effect.

Steel, Plywood, And Fiberglass Can Be Used To Craft Formwork

Apart from timber, concrete formwork can be crafted out of plywood, steel, and fiberglass. You can use all these elements in a combined or separate way. However, it is still the most common type of material that is used for concrete retaining wall formwork? The panels are designed into thin steel plates that are hardened along the edges. All the panels are secured together with the help of clamps, nuts, and bolts and can be produced in large quantities.

Unlike any other formwork, steel formwork is more durable and strong and has a longer life when compared with timber framework. The best part is that the steel framework cannot warp or shrink easily. You can design the formwork from plywood sheets also.  To create the formworks panel, the sheet is fixed to timber frames. The main advantage of plywood formwork is that it is sometimes cheaper when compared with timber plywood.

A High-quality Formwork is Strong but Light

A high-grade formwork should be both durable and strong. It should be able to resist all types of load. However, it should be lightweight also. The formwork should be designed in such a way that it can retain its shape for several years. Apart from that, the joints of the framework should be as tight as possible to prevent any leakage and should be placed on a firm base.

Nova Formworks

Nova Formworks is a well-known construction company in India. They have been in this construction field for several years. The company specialises in making concrete wall formwork systems. For more information about Nova Formworks, you can check out their official website.


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