Shuttering Plates- Manufacturer and Supplier in India


Shuttering plates are used to put concrete in proper shape. There are several shuttering plates manufacturers and suppliers in India but to choose the right one needs knowledge and research work. Shuttering plates have wide use in the construction industry. Some people need shuttering plates according to their specifications and choice. Make sure that you choose the right supplier so that your construction project is executed without any hassle.

What is Shuttering?

In any kind of construction project regardless of the size, there is a huge need for concrete. Concrete is poured into specially designed molds. These molds are referred to as formwork. When the concrete turns into solid the formwork is removed. This entire process is known as shuttering of formwork. And for shuttering there is a need for shuttering plates. The formwork can be used to build temporary and permanent molds. These molds can be reused once the required strength is achieved.

Nova Plastic Formworks

Nova Plastic Formworks a leading manufacturer of highly reliable and top-quality shuttering products. This company began operations in 2004. It builds highly durable and leak-proof plastic formworks. These products can be reused without any problem. They are extremely light in weight. The material of the formwork does not warp or distort. So, as far as quality is concerned the product is extremely durable.  The formwork can bear the weight of both dead and live loads.

Why Do People Prefer Nova Formwork Shuttering?

The Nova Formwork shuttering is hugely sought after due to a wide range of reasons. Firstly, it is very light in weight. This is a simple product that can easily be transported to the construction site. It has no effect of any kind due to temperature change. Also, it is not very expensive. As compared to other similar products in the market, it is decently priced.

 Another benefit of Nova Formwork shuttering is reusability. The shuttering does not get spoilt by water. The surface finish of the end product is amazing. So, you do not need to get the area plastered later on. The formwork edges are linked with aid of locking wedges. There is no gap of any kind between the panels. This precludes chances of any kind of leakage.

Metal and Plastic Formworks

The different products that are offered by Nova Formworks are stated below:

       NOVA ALPLAS – It has 60-65% plastic. It also contains 35-40% aluminum. There is no problem to set this up.

       NOVA ALUFORM – This is purely aluminum formwork that is hugely in demand

       NOVA PLASFORM - These is plastic formworks. The panels can be easily used again. This is a well-known Nova product.

In several construction projects, there is extensive use of Nova Formworks shuttering products. These technically advanced products do not have any duplicates in the market. There is no unevenness or print left if you use Nova formwork shuttering products. The need of the client is first assessed and then a solution is provided accordingly. The hugely competent team of NovaForm Work presents solutions that completely fulfill the needs of the clients.


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