How to Calculate the Shuttering Quantity for Column and Beam?

It's worth noting that formwork is one of the most cost-effective new-age building materials for constructing flats and structures. The construction formworks device is unquestionably a cost-effective tool for creating well-crafted building components. In several ways, this column shuttering system is unique.

The building formwork system's distinctive feature is its ability to execute any job efficiently. It also makes a substantial contribution since it is eco-friendly, quick, efficient, and safe, and it assures that the building layout is ideal.

As previously said, construction formwork is straightforward and economical for a wide range of people. It's also suitable for high-quality concrete. It's also recognised for permitting entire finishing, which saves money by eliminating the need for plaster.

Requirements for Good Formwork

Although a variety of materials can be utilised for formwork, the following performance characteristics must be met to meet the demands of structural concrete. It should also be capable of supporting both living and dead weights.

1.       Use enough braces and props to maintain the form.

2.       To keep the framework intact, joints must be completely leak-proof.

3.       After the formwork is removed, the concrete should not be damaged by further construction.

4.       Materials that are recyclable and reusable must be used.

5.       Leak-proof joints are required to keep the framework intact.

6.       The item should not be too heavy.

Types of formwork shuttering

Beam Formwork

Beam formwork, a prefabricated member that contains a sheeting bottom and side sheeting panels, is one of the most important members of an RCC framed building. The formwork is made to fit the beam's dimensions in any way possible. On the other side, a table is created on-site for prefabricating the sheeting details.

Wall Form Work

A wall shuttering is a construction made entirely of suitable bearers stacked vertically. It's commonly utilised to construct shear or RCC walls in dams and basements, wing walls, and other structures (timber). These are fastened to plywood sheathing boards on the interior. With the help of panels on each side, any upright wood can be installed diagonally.

Foundation Form Work

Foundation formwork, as the name says, is made to match the foundation style. The type of foundation is referred to as footing, raft, or mixed footing. The height of the foundation and the scale of the foundation influence the essence of the shuttering.

Column Formwork

The sort of arrangement can be influenced by the shape of the Column shuttering, which might be hexagonal, rectangular, circular, or any other form. This column formwork's sheet metal is all custom-made to fit the Column's proportions. The panels are then bolted in place, and the foot rim is installed.

Nova Form Work manufactures cutting-edge building materials. Each project's formwork criteria are examined, and a solution is given. Nova Form Work's highly qualified and experienced teams offer clients cost-effective and high-quality solutions.

How to Calculate Column and Beam Shuttering Quantity

The solid surfaces in contact with the concrete must be measured in square meters. Follow the steps for Column.

        At the base or in cross-section, measure the four sides of the Column.

        Calculate the base of the Column's perimeter.

        Colum height should be measured.

        To calculate the Column's shuttering area, multiply the base's perimeter by the height of the Column.

        Alternatively, add all four sides and multiply by the height of the Column.

All that counts is that Nova Formworks has established itself as a top producer in India's construction business. For further information, go to their website or go to their product brochure.


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