Comparison of Steel Formwork and Plastic Formwork

 To be precise, formwork is an integral component of any civil engineering project. In simple words, formwork is a supporting structure or a mould into which concrete is poured. The concrete remains poured until it achieves the strength to support itself.

In the construction industry, steel and timber are usually the main materials of the formwork. However, it is not uncommon to see plastic formwork in the construction process. The selection process of the formwork material depends on many factors like cost, structure type, etc.

So with these things in mind, let’s compare plastic and steel formworks. But before comparing, let’s take a look at the common properties of the framework. 

Properties of the Formwork

Here are some of the ideal properties of the formwork that you should be aware of.

      It should be sturdy enough to resist all types of pressure

      It should be economical when the context is about deploying it in construction

      It shouldn’t lose its shape under pressure

      The formwork should be watertight to avoid leakage

An Overview of Steel Formwork

Note that steel formwork is stronger, durable and possesses a longer life than other formworks. One of the key highlights of steel formwork is easy installation and removal. Steel also doesn’t absorb moisture from the concrete, which is quite beneficial.

Formworks made of steel usually render excellent finish to the concrete surfaces. And when the context is about large structure, steel formworks are an excellent choice. Here are some of the benefits of opting for formworks made from steel.

      Facilitates greater reusability

      Durable and stronger

      Reusable to a great extent

      Easy to install and remove

An Overview of the Plastic Formwork

Plastic as a formwork material is quite popular for small concrete structures. Note that formworks made of plastic are also extensively used in complicated building structures. Being resistant to moisture, it is lightweight to quite an extent too. Here are some of the benefits of a plastic framework.

      Good resistance against water

      Reusable to quite an extent

      The ideal choice for complex-shaped structures

      Lightweight and durable

Formworks made of steel are a top choice in the construction of heavy buildings and mass structures. On the contrary, formworks made of plastic are preferred in small concrete structures. In usual situations, steel remains one of the most favoured options for formworks.

At Nova Formworks, you would find a large variety of steel and plastic formworks. The company is a well-known name in the realm of formwork construction. 


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