Column Formwork: Material Types & Requirements

 There are different types of building construction material, and it depends on the category of construction work. In this, steel is a suitable option that offers durability and strength, and it is suitable for building construction. Other than this, concrete is a suitable option to be used for building construction.

One ingredient for concrete construction is formwork available in permanent or temporary moulds in which the concrete is poured until the concrete gives solid support. There are varieties of formwork that are suitable in concrete construction. Let us take us through each of the formwork categories in detail.

Types of Formwork in Construction    

There could be different materials for creating formwork, and it depends on the type of construction it requires for. The materials are plastic, timber, fabric, plywood, steel, and aluminium. The formwork has a fundamental role in construction based on which the durability of construction depends. It should be strong enough to bear the strength during the operations and hold the shape in position. 

Classify Formwork as per Structural Components            

The formwork can have classification depending on building material, and they are as follows:

       Column formwork

       Beam formwork

       Wall formwork

       Foundation formwork

However, the formwork category depends on the structure it supports and the construction plans that would specify the material and the thickness of the structure. This would give suitable strength for the constitution work to support the building later on. The formwork construction is time taking, and it takes up to ¼ of structural expense.    

Requirement for Durable Formwork

The variety of formwork material and depends on the durability and construction strength you want. The column formwork is another category that gives strength to concrete construction. When deciding on the formwork, it should be able to deal with the following.

       Abel to withstand live and dead construction loads

       The joints shouldn’t have leaks

       Retain original shape with suitable braces

       It should be a reusable material

       If it is a removable formwork, the process should be smooth

       The formwork should be lightweight

       The material should not distort under any condition

So, the formwork should depend on concrete and its pouring temperature as these would exert pressure on the construction. To ensure high quality and durable concrete construction, use suitable formwork with proper supervision of work. The column formwork goes perfectly with the stay-in-place formwork that gives reinforcement. The stay-in-place formwork is where piers and columns are common to prevent corrosion or any environmental damage.  


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