Different Types of Formwork Used in Concrete Construction


There are several materials that have been used for construction over the years. Different things are used to build homes, bridges, etc. In the past, there was extensive use of timber. However, things have changed and now steel and aluminum have taken over. Concrete is a hugely popular building material as it is durable, safe, economical, and sustainable. A very important material that is used for concrete construction is formwork.

Concrete is put into molds till the time it can bolster itself. There are so many various kinds of formworks that are used in concrete construction. Each one of them has its advantages and use.

Mentioned below are different kinds of formworks that are used in construction:

1. Reusable plastic formwork

This kind of formwork is built from durable and lightweight plastic. It helps to build interlocking as well as modular formwork systems. It is a perfect choice for construction projects that are small-scale but repetitive. So, in short, low-cost housing makes huge use of such formworks. This reusable formwork has several applications. As the panels are built from plastic, there is no need for formwork removing agents. Plain water is used to clean them. 

2. Permanent Formwork

This is a highly advanced formwork system. The formwork is permanently insulated with the view to offer properties such as fire-resistance, rodent-resistance, etc. Most commonly polystyrene foam is used for insulation and it stays as it is once the concrete has cured. This kind of formwork is sustainable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly. As this formwork is not removed it is also known as stay in place formwork.

3. Steel Formwork

Because of its strength and durability steel formwork is used extensively in construction projects. It turns out to be a little costly for small projects but for large projects, it is hugely used as it offers a smooth surface finish as compared to timber formwork. It is also used for curved structures such as columns, tanks, chimneys, etc. Steel is water-proof so this minimizes any chances of honeycombing effect. It can be re-used multiple times.

4. Aluminum Formwork- It is light in weight as compared to steel formwork.  It is cost-effective thus making it a preferred choice for huge projects.

So, these are some of the different formworks that are used in the construction industry. Nova Formworks offers a wide array of superb services in the area of construction. Its avant-garde construction techniques have put it on a different pedestal altogether.


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