Impact of Plastic Formwork Over Conventional Formwork


Formwork refers to support structure. It is a temporary or permanent mould or a matrix that provides the appearance and assist concrete until it achieves strength to carry its weight. In simple words, formwork is an arrangement that is used to shape the reinforced concrete while it is setting. It is also known as shuttering.

Plastic Shuttering and Its Advantages

Formworks serve as a cast that is used to produce concrete elements in the desired size as well as configuration. In the construction industry, different kinds of formwork systems are used. The choice of kind of formwork depends mainly on the requirements of the project. Traditionally, the formworks are made from the wood or metal like aluminium or steel. However, plastic has taken over these materials. With the swiftly growing construction industry, the industry’s needs are also changing.

This is when plastic shuttering came in. The reason behind the increasing popularity of plastic shuttering in India is due to its environmentally friendly advantages and affordable cost. The other benefits that make plastic shuttering the ideal choice are

        Light Weight: In comparison to conventional formworks made from wood or steel, the plastic formworks are lightweight. The average weight of plastic formwork is around 14 kg per sq. mt. This makes it easy to handle.


        Reusable: The major advantage of using plastic formwork over a conventional formwork is that it is reusable. You can use this shuttering for more than 90 times. Moreover, it is water-resistant and can be used in salt and freshwater.  


        Labour Cost Saving: The convention formwork requires skilled persons whereas, in plastic formwork, you do not require a skilled person. Unskilled labour can do the work in supervision. Moreover, it takes less time and the labour cost is saved.


        Simplified Logistics: The best thing about plastic shuttering is that there is no need for a huge amount of material at the site. Same panels can be used for slabs, foundations, rafts, pile caps, walls, etc.


        Safety: Another major advantage is safety. As the plastic formworks are lightweight, they allow for safe working conditions avoiding the fall hazards during dismantling and set up as well.

Apart from these, the plastic formworks are environment friendly, does not require oil and offer flexibility. In case you wish to invest in PVC shuttering, Nova Formworks is the best choice. It is a leading company that is known for developing a shuttering system from composite plastic material. You can buy the pristine quality formwork system to increase efficiency and reduce the construction time.


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